
  • Author

    Olivier DUHAMEL & Jean-Noël JEANNENEY
  • Coproduction

    With the participation of France 5, the Ministère de la Santé et des Solidarités and of the CNC.
  • Broadcaster

    France 5


Social Security is one of the fundamental laws of French society. Still, it is now going through a real crisis. Which winding ways did the Republic use to establish, assert, and impose this supportive social protection system based on the sharing of wealth? Since experts assert that the spending related to healthcare will continue progressing with the aging of the population and the progress of science, how will the law makers be able to continue defending the republican principles and adapt them to our society’s mutations? Through this 12th and last episode of the collection, the Republic’s Great Battles’, the film devoted to Social Security raises the paradoxes of one of the laws to which the French are most attached.

  • Available versions

    Version française
  • Format

  • Support location

    Béta Numérique
  • Distributor

  • Technical team

    Image: Jean-Louis LAFORÊT, Arthur CÉMIN
    Sound: Florent RAVALEC
    Editing: Pierre Joseph LICIDÉ
  • Cast