• Direction

    Cris Campion
  • Author

    Elisabeth SOULIAC, Cris CAMPION
  • Production

  • Broadcaster

    La cinquième


This fascinating film takes us on a voyage to discover one of the most unique societies in the world – the Moso tribe of China. In the foothills of the Himalayas, between China and Tiber, the Moso people live in a system that is completly matriarchal. For 2000 years, Moso women have had complete freedom in matters of love, sex and the raising of their children: men are simply relegated to the role of lovers. Leaning against the wooden wall of the family house, Pati, age 7, introduces his family. “Here’s my mother”, he says, “and these are my sister, my grandmother, my uncle and my aunts”. He presents his family as only a Moso child would do: without a father. The notion of father or husband has never existed among the Moso and very often the men are not aware that tehy have children. Moso mating rites obey very specific rules and taboos: incest is forbidden, as is any vow of faithfulness. Women receive their lovers at night, in secret from their families, and never display their liaison in public. Not all of modern society agrees with their lifestyle – it challenges much of eastern and western tradition. “The Moso – Love and Tradition” is the portrait of this unique, ancient group of people and their struggle for the survival of their values and traditions.

  • Available versions

    Couleur, VF Sous titré, V. Ang Sous-titrée
  • Format

  • Support location

  • Distributor

    Off the fence (Monde sauf France)
  • Technical team

    Camera : Vincent Campion
    Sound : Cris Campion
    Editing : Cris Campion
  • Cast

    French voice -over: François d'AUBIGNY;
    Voice off: Anny DUPEREY