• Direction

    Michel Royer
  • Author

    Erik Orsenna et Daniel Cohen
  • Production

  • Coproduction

    with the support of CODICE
    Conseil pour la diffusion de la culture économique
    and of l’Institut pour l’éducation financière du public

    with the participation of
    Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée and of
    France Télévisions
  • Broadcaster

    France 2


For the last few months an unprecedented crisis has shaken the world’s economy and staggered public opinion. It is now impossible to restrict this global bankruptcy to the financial sector alone. Its knock-on effects have upset our points of reference and the economical crisis now raises moral questions.
Factory closures and stock options, layoffs and tax heavens, loss of confidence and recession… not a day goes by without the press echoing the world’s disasters in its columns, without television underlining the effects of the crisis on our lifestyle and without new ill-humoured blogs sprouting on the web. The man on the street is completely puzzled and desperately tries to understand all the information delivered to him. Everyone has his or her own questions, solutions and fantasies. Never before these troubled times has man been so eager for debates concerning the economical sphere.
However, one thing seems certain; things will never be the same. Bush has left his seat to Obama. The G20 has set up a new way World. The years when money went crazy will be moralised … but will they really? Our conception of the world is overturned by this crisis … but in what way? This programme is designed to try and answer these questions.

  • Available versions

  • Format

  • Support location

    Beta Num
  • Distributor

    France 2
  • Technical team

    sound : Arnaud Montand
    editing : Nadia Collot, Natacha Giller, Catherine Peix, Véronique Maison, Guilhem Mahieu
    tournage : Natacha Giller, Alain Lasfargues, Grégoire Manoukian, Vincent Schaub
    Florent Ravalec
  • Cast

    with the participation of : Pierre Arditi