• Direction

    Michel Kaptur
  • Author

    Michel KAPTUR
  • Broadcaster

    France 3


Nicole Notat, the leader of the trade union CFDT, has often been the object of sharp polemics and passionate criticisms. At different times during her leadership, she has been nicknamed “The Czarina, the CFDT iron lady, Jupette, for adhering the program of Prime Minister Alain Juppé or “La Madone des Patrons” for allegedly being too close to the bosses. I’m perfectly comfortable with the fact that there are people who dislike me, even some who detest me, says Notat. To some degree, being a leader means being any enemy of whishy-washy consensus. It means that you have to listen, evaluate, arbitrate discuss and finally decide. I don’t claim to be perfect, but I certainly don’t wake up in a cold sweat at night to change the decisions, I made the day before.

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