• Direction

    Pierre Desfonds
  • Author

    Régis DEBRAY


The power of the image has become decisive, but we should step backwards to understand it. Outlining the history of the Western eye from cave drawings up to digital screens, is the ambition of this documentary adapted from the book “Rise and Fall of the Image : a History of the Western Glance”. The challenge consists in entering through images in the image’s back stage, in turn religious, artistic and audiovisual. Our glance on images was magical before becoming artistic. It now becomes economic. Hence the cutting up in three parts : from the grotto to the cathedral – from the cathedral to the museum – from the museum to the screen

  • Format

  • Technical team

    Image : Jacques Gaudin
    Olivier Chambon
    Jean Pierre Mechin
    Sound : Francisco Camino
    Christian Levier
    Laurent Malan
    Light : Daniel Benkimou
    Claude Pezet
    Loïc Lepechon
    Editing : André Chaudagne