• Direction

    Valérie Combard
  • Author

    Yves JEULAND & Valérie COMBARD
  • Coproduction

    With the participation of : France 3, Centre National de la cinématographie, France 5, LCP-AN
  • Broadcaster

    France 5


French socialists are centennial, from 1905 to 2005, they passed through the century. The century full of conquests, disillusions, wars and strikes. Many were appointments, debates violents burning convictions and teasons cruels… and adventures were sometimes romantic.

From Jean Jaurès to Léon Blum, from Millerand to Mitterand, between Bastille and République socialists had left marvelous marksin collective memory of the country. From ideal to real, from revolution to evolution this is the story of a red and pink Francethat we live again, with his transfers, happiness, but also power history with his march , his pulling, and his remorses.

In the course of century, in the course of images and emotions, a movie full of archives and songs, in the course of  “le temps des cerises” song.

  • Available versions

  • Format

  • Support location

    Beta Numérique
  • Distributor

  • Technical team

    Editing : Dominique Barbier et Christian Girier
    Image and sound : sans tournage / archives films et photos