PSYCHO-FICTION, La Therapie Familiale

  • Direction

    Eric Le Roch
  • Author

    Nicolae JAMET
  • Production

  • Coproduction

    With the participation of France 5 and the CNC
  • Broadcaster

    France 5


Lola is fourteen years old. She lives with her divorced mother, and only gets to see her father on weekends and holidays. She is at the heart of a classical recomposed family situation and suffers from it. She develops more and more eating disorders : going through bulimia and anorexia, and her general attitude becomes worrying. Playing with her parent’s guilt, since they have imposed their divorce upon her, Lola grows more and more authoritarian with her mother whom she stops from rebuilding her life with Peter and his son Kevin. Therefore falls the decision to see a family therapist, Serge Hefez. Through their successive therapeutic sessions, Serge Hefez will work on untangling the situation, accompanying Lola and her family group towards a solution to their problems. This fiction based on reality, inspired by Serge Hefez?s professional experience and the different cases he encountered, allows the viewer to discover an intimate problematic free of any kind of voyeurism, and allows him to be the invisible witness of the different phases of this very confidential therapy.

  • Available versions

  • Format

  • Support location

    DV Cam
  • Distributor

    DVD: Editions Montparnasse
  • Technical team

    Image : Wilfrid SEMPE
    Sound : Julien CHAUMAT
    Sets : Patrick FARRU
    Editing: Bertrand BOUTILLIER
  • Cast

    Véronique BOULANGER
    Julie MARBOEUF
    Héloïse ADAM
    Pierre-Jean CHERRER

    Original Score: Alain BERNARD DENIS